Equal Opportunities for Gender in Science: Integration and
Evaluation of the Research Gender Perspective
On 27th March 2024, Dr. Tanja Botić participated in the open
national event “Equal opportunities for gender in science”,
organised by the newly established NCP for Gender Equality
under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and
Innovation, Slovenia.
The event presented activities at the EU level related to the
integration and evaluation of the gender perspective in the
field of research while exchanging views on the challenges and
priorities that gender mainstreaming and evaluation represent
in the national environment.
HybridNeuro initiatives and activities were presented to the
organisers and attendees during the round table. After the
event, a short “Policy briefing summarising good practices”
was delivered to the NCP.
Programme included:
Presentation on the integration and evaluation of gender
perspective at the EU level by Sophia Ivarsson, European
Research Area Gender Equality Forum, Vinnova Agency,
Sweden (online);
Presentation of the inclusive evaluation group in the
field of research by Dr. Silvia Penati, Inclusive
Evaluation Group, Coalition for the Advancement of
Research Evaluation, University of Milan (online);
Overview of national measures and action plan for gender
equality by Dr. Gita Zadnikar, National Contact Point for
Gender Equality, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and
Innovation; and
Round-table: Revision of the evaluation system in the
field of research, considering the gender perspective.
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