Objective: to adequately coordinate and organize the project execution, ensuring that it evolves according to the time schedule, expected results and budget established.
Objective: knowledge transfer and networking for researchers at partner institutions during stays abroad. These include a number of short and long-term staff exchanges of young researchers and qualified scientists. More attention is dedicated to the exchange plan of the researchers at UM.
Objective: to open research avenues exploring hybrid interfaces in movement augmentation including EEG and HD-EMG data fusion.
Objective: to enable professional growth of research staff of partnering institutions (UM in particular) through specialized lectures on transversal skills.
Objective: to increase UM ́s international visibility, competitiveness, and reputation in research management, technology transfer and gender equality.
Objective: to disseminate and communicate the project outcomes to general and research public, but most importantly to industrial partners and medical experts, fostering the transfer of hybrid cerebro-muscular technology to market and to rehabilitation practice, especially in Slovenia.