Hybrid Neural Interfaces (organized by UM)
Hybrid neural interfaces and their use in different
applications scenarios:
July 8th - 12th 2024.
State of the art in augmenting the natural human movements by using hybrid neural interfaces and technologies. Coming in 2025!
Coming in 2025!
Coming in 2025!
Technology Transfer Skills
Coming in 2025!
Technology Transfer Skills
Coming in 2025!
Technology Transfer Skills
Coming in 2025!
Soft Skills
Coming in 2025!
Kutoš L.; Škarabot J.; Holobar A. Identifikacija gruč neločljivih motoričnih enot iz večkanalnih površinskih elektromiogramov dvoglave nadlahtne mišice, 32th International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2023, September 2023.
Murks N.; Škarabot J.; Kramberger M.; Sedej G.; Valenčič T.; Connelly C. D.; Thomason H.; Divjak M.; Holobar A.; On time effectiveness of manual editing of motor unit spike trains, ISEK XXIV. [S. l.]: International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, 2024, p. 79.
Kutoš L.; Divjak M.; Holobar A.; Activity index outperforms cumulative spike train and amplitude envelopes in surface EMG coherence analysis, ISEK XXIV. [S. l.]: International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, 2024, p. 81.
Kutoš L.; Kalc M.; Kramberger M.; Urh F.; Holobar A.; On the efficacy of coherence-based assessment of functional coupling between pools of motor units, 33th International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2024, September 2024.
Murks N.; Škarabot J.; Kramberger M.; Sedej G.; Valenčič T.; Connely, C. D.; Thomason H.; Divjak M.; Holobar A.; Motor unit editing time in high-density EMG decomposition decreases with the operator's experience and pulse-to-noise ratio but does not depend on simulated muscle, 33th International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2024, September 2024.