The HybridNeuro project presented at the NCP Event

On November 27th, 2023, the HybridNeuro project was presented at the live national event “Digitalno področje v programu Obzorje Evropa (Grozd 4 - Digitalno in Evropski svet za inovacije)” as an example of a successfully obtained Coordination project in Slovenia, funded under the Horizon Europe work programme.

The event was co-organized by Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor in collaboration with NCP Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation for Horizon Europe programme and NCP SPIRIT Slovenija for EIC programme, with a goal to inspire researchers and companies to explore the funding opportunities for R&I projects.

Prof. Aleš Holobar (project coordinator) participated as a speaker and panellist by sharing his valuable experience in securing funds, emphasizing the importance of complementarity with the partners, excellence in R&I component and long-term impact of the project. More than 45 participants had the opportunity to hear about success of the HybridNeuro project.


The HybridNeuro presentation from the event is available at this link