Last week, the University of Maribor and HybridNeuro team
hosted guests from the University Hospital Olomouc; Kolářová
Barbora, PhDr., PhD, a physiotherapist from the Rehabilitation
Department, and Monika Jasenská, a biomedical engineer from
the Department of Biomedical Engineering.
During their visit, Prof. Dr. Aleš Holobar led discussions on
potential collaborations and synergies within the HybridNeuro
project and the transfer of advanced biomedical signal
processing methodologies into clinical practice, mainly in
assessing nerve paresis and its rehabilitation.
The HybridNeuro project manager, Dr. Tanja Botić, led
discussions on the possibilities of joint R&D project
We jointly visited the University Hospital Center Maribor,
where we were welcomed by Aljaž Hölbl, associate expert from
the Medical Research Department. Together with researcher
Valentino Šafran, from the Laboratory for Digital Signal
Processing, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, University of Maribor, they showcased the outcomes of
the H2020 “HosmartAI” project, The demonstration featured the
humanoid robot Frida and discussions about their potential
roles in rehabilitation processes, such as daily exercise
monitoring and execution of exercises by the patients.
More about the guests:
Kolářová Barbora, PhDr., Ph.D. is working as physiotherapist
at Rehabilitation Department of University Hospital Olomouc.
She is responsible for the functioning of the Kinesiology
Laboratory, where they assess and treat patients with motion
disorders, educate students, and develop the research group
concerning motion analysis. Current major research focuses are
on a course of motor recovery: in patients after stroke as a
result of intensive physiotherapy, in patients with frozen
shoulders as a result of hydrodilatation+physiotherapy, and in
patients with denervated muscle as a result of
electrostimulation. Dr. Kolářová supervises Monika Jasenská in
her PhD study.
PhD student Monika Jasenská is a biomedical engineer at the
Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University
Hospital Olomouc. She provides clinical and technical support
to the Neurologic Clinic, Neurosurgery Clinic and
Rehabilitation Department. She is a member of fMRI and
Kinesiology laboratory. Her main research focus is surface
electromyography analysis in combination with IMU sensors and
fMRI measurements, mostly in neurological patients.
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